Space Planning & Management / Space Chargeback / Space Chargeback (Transactional)
Space Planning & Management / Space Chargeback / Standard Space Chargeback (Non-Transactional)
Space Planning & Management / Space Chargeback / Shared Workplace Chargeback (Non-Transactional)

Chargeback Reports

After you run the Perform Chargeback task, the following reports are updated with area data and financial data. Use these reports to internally bill departments for the space that they use and to analyze your space inventory and categorization.

In addition, you may want to examine the Space Chargeback/Department Manager reports.

The first set of reports listed in this topic, Workspace Transactions by.., are available only if you are using the workspace transaction-enabled processes. The subsequent reports are available to all chargeback methods.

When examining these reports, be sure that you are aware of the date range for which you updated area totals, since the chargeback routine works from the area totals from the last time that you ran Update Area Totals. (The date range is not an issues if you are using the Standard Space Chargeback - Non-Transactional method.) For example, if you quarterly bill departments for their use of space be sure to enter the start and end date of your quarter when running the Update Area Totals action. You can then run these reports to see the cost of space for each department for this quarter.

Workspace Transactions by...

If you are running the workspace transaction-enabled method, use this set of reports to see your allocated room areas summed by various criteria.

For example, if room 101 is 150 feet and was used by Department A in January and was used by Department B in February and March, and you run Update Area Totals from January 1 to March 31, you will have two workspace transaction records for room 101: one for Department A showing approximately 50 feet for Allocated Room Area and one for Department B showing approximately 100 feet for Allocated Room Area. (Since these three months do not have the same number of days, the numbers are approximate for the purpose of example.) For more information, see Allocated Area (Concept)

This set of reports uses the allocated room area data to determine statistics such as common area, remaining area, occupied area, and non-occupied area. For each report, you can drill down to workspace transactions to see the exact records that contribute to this data.

By Building and Floor

Use this report to drill down from buildings to floors to see each workspace transaction for this time period. The report calculates the remaining area, occupied area, and non-occupied area for each floor and building.

Division and Department

Use this report to see the room area charged to each department and division as well as the department's share of common area (both occupiable and non-occupiable).

Floor and Department

This report is handy for seeing how space on a floor is divided between departments. Drill down from floors, to departments with space on this floor, to the individual workspace transaction records for each department on the selected floor. The report totals remaining area, occupiable, and non-occupiable area for the floor.

Room Category and Type

You may want to know how your is distributed among different room categories and types. For example, what is the average area for each type of category? How much of my area is devoted to storage vs. personnel space? You can drill down to see the exact workspace transactions contributing to each category.

Detailed Chargeback Analysis

This report presents calculated areas and costs for buildings, floors, and rooms. Select a building, you can examine such area information as the total group area, occupiable and non-occupiable common area, and total service area. Examine the floors within this building and you can see important area information, including remaining area, for each floor. For details on the groups and rooms that contribute to these floor totals, select a floor and review the groups and rooms located on this floor and contributing to the floor area totals. For each group and room, you can examine its chargeable cost. If any of the floor area values strike you as too large or small -- for example you are surprised at the amount of common area for a particular floor -- you can examine the groups and rooms that contribute to this common area.

Financial Statement by Division

The ultimate goal of the Standard Space Chargeback process is to present a department or division with a financial statement of the cost of the space that they occupy and use. The department or division can then be internally billed for this space. Use this report to provide each division a breakdown of the cost of space for each of its departments. By drilling down from divisions to departments to rooms and groups, department and division managers can see the exact area records that contribute to their space bill. Note that this report presents the chargeable cost of space and the total amount of area for which the department is being charged. If the department manager requires a breakdown of the chargeable area, they can examine the individual rooms and groups assigned to their department. For each room and group, they can move across the report to see the size of these areas and each area's corresponding share of common area and service area.

Prorate Report

With this report, you can see in one place how your common areas are prorated to departments across the site, within the building, or on the floor. The report organizes common areas by their Prorate value so that you can see all common areas that are distributed to departments across the site, all common areas that are distributed to departments within the building, and all common areas that are distributed to the departments on the same floor as the common area. The report totals the common area for each Prorate value so that you know how much area is distributed across the site, building, or floor.

Space managers will find this report handy for seeing their common areas listed in one report and reviewing how each will be distributed. Perhaps a common lobby, used be the entire building, is being charged only to departments on the floor and its Prorate value should be changed from FLOOR to BUILDING. If an analysis of this report finds that changes need to be made, space managers can return to the Designate Common Area Group/Room tasks.

Remaining Area

Department managers examining their charged space may question a facility manager or space manager about the remaining area on a floor for which the department is being proportionately charged. Use the Remaining Area report to determine the amount of area that was not captured in the space inventory and is being charged to departments. The report shows the remaining area for each floor and sums remaining area to the building. For details on the rooms and groups of each floor, you can select a floor to see its component rooms and groups.

Because of the cost of the space and the goal to maximize its use, many sites wish to account for every area on a floor. A significant remaining area can indicate that the room and group polylines were not accurately drawn; space managers may ask CAD specialists to return to the drawings to adjust the polylines and capture all areas.

For more information on remaining area, see Remaining Area (concept).

Highlight Common Area Rooms

In order to proportionately charge departments for common rooms that departments do not directly occupy, space managers need a clear understanding of these common areas. Otherwise, they are unprepared to respond to department managers questioning their space bills. With this report, space managers can see each floor's common rooms and how these rooms are prorated; that is, if they are charged to the departments on the floor, in the building, or throughout the site.

Select a building, and select a floor within the building. The system displays the floor and highlights any common area rooms according to the common room's Prorate value. Thus, for a particular floor, you can quickly see how common rooms are charged to the departments on the floor, in the building, or across the site. The report also provides the total common room area for each floor, and the average size of these common areas.

Highlight Common Area Groups

This report is similar to the above report, except that it reports on common area groups. As with common area rooms, you can quickly see how common group areas are charged to the departments on the floor, in the building, or across the site. The report also provides the total common group area for each floor, and the average size of these common areas.